with Donna Hicks
Jesu Noh, the founder of nTech, finally held a dialog with Donna Hicks, a Professor at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University and the author of “Dignity” (which is now being translated by NR Group). In their discussion, despite coming from two different cultures (Japan and the United States), they affirmed their shared interest in the importance of people to live as Dignity during this new era of artificial intelligence. From this meeting, they resolved to push the Dignity movement worldwide, starting from Japan.
We held nTech workshop twice in San Francisco.
In the first workshop, we introduced nTech through “Enlightenment of Mathematics.” The workshop was conducted in English to allow foreigners to embrace “0 = ∞ = 1,” the formula of the world’s kokoro (heart and soul).
We linked the formula to the way of human life, and we were able to present the direction of change that humans living in the AI era should take. We received positive impressions from the participants.
In the second workshop, we shared “JAPAN MISSION” with Japanese-Americans. It was exciting to discover the “Yamato Soul” is deep in the hearts of many Nikkei living in the United States.
We participated in the IONS International Conference. IONS is an organization focused on the fusion of science and spirituality, and set the conference theme to discuss what human changes are necessary in the present era and what is needed to further evolve the world. We also met with experts–from various fields–who are also pursuing a vision of transcending and changing the world.
0 = ∞ = 1 got their attention, and a new publishing project started. In addition, many agreed to attend an international conference hosted by NR Group, which accelerate our global expansion.
We visited the Japanese-American Museum in San Jose, California. Our guide through the museum is a Nikkei person. We felt a pure “Japanese spirit” in the words and ways the person spoke, and our kokoro was filled with great joy.
The circumstances of Japanese people when they moved to the United States were harsh. However, they persevered through uniting together and broke through the challenges with tenacity. By knowing the history, we felt a pride as Japanese.